Friday, April 9, 2010

a brand new start.

if you happen to read my blog over the past years, you might stop and wonder why all of a sudden all of my previous posts were gone. well, i actually deleted all of those because i thought that a new blog layout calls for a whole new blog (which technically means a brand new start).

that's why i have decided to delete my old posts, which i honestly think was a little crappy, since it mostly talks about my very CONFUSED love life. so, i deleted all the crappy ones, and we will start once again with a whole new page.

so, how am i.....

it's a few days before my college graduation, here i am enjoying my free and serene vacation. :)) hooray! i am very very happy to be out school because all the stress are gone, and i am finally living a stress-free life. :)) *finally!* which i think was very good for me, kasi ever since i started my vacation, i noticed that i am gaining weight! :)) and i love it.! because, come on, who wants to walk up on the stage on her college graduation looking like a kindergarten? di ba.

well anyway, there's actually one more problem........

my PRC form.
ugh! it so hard to finish!. i hate it. haay... but i know that i can surpass this. i just have to think positive, stop complaining, and work harder. aja! :))

on love.....

i am in love. still. with my uber supportive and uber loving boyfriend. :)) it's been 24 months, and for so long it has been great. :)) of course, there were ups and downs, ugly breakups and romantic makeups. :)) but it has been a fun ride. :)) and i am wishing that it won't stop. :))

so that's it for now. :) i'll be back. :)

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